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Be Heard in a Digital World

2020-04-16 • 5:00 pm PST

Be Heard in a Digital World


“Speak your truth” – “Have your voice.”

We hear these bits of advice all the time. But what on earth does it mean exactly, and how do we do it, both effectively and authentically?

Join us this Thursday with voice and presence expert, Hillary Wicht, as she explores the deeper psychology and transformational power of what it means to find your voice and have more of your authentic self in the world.

With online connections & Zoom calls replacing office meetings and coffee dates, this is the perfect time to dive into what makes us stand out and learn how to adapt our unique strengths to an all-digital space.

Join this conversation to:
– Uncover what confidence truly is and how to get it
– Explore best practices that help you to ground and own your value
– Create an action plan so you can step into your unique brilliance and voice your personal power

Because if you cannot hear your voice, you cannot have your voice. And we could all do with feeling heard more genuinely and more often.

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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