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All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.


2020-04-23 • 5:00 pm PST



Women don’t always support each other. There, we said it. While Parlay House is all about connecting authentically and uplifting each other, we know that outside of our safe space, there are very real accounts of female rivalry and competition causing very real pain.

The truth is – we’ve all encountered ‘mean girls’ at one point or another. Our Founder & Chief Instigator even dedicated an edition of The Parlay Effect Newsletter to this exact topic after receiving a wave of requests around what to do when we feel like another woman is trying to tear us down.

Join us this Thursday as we sit down with Dr. Amber Tichenor, PhD, expert on Female Rivalry, who will teach us:
*****What female rivalry looks like & why it happens
*****How to overcome it in our personal & professional lives
*****To effectively recognize & regulate our own cattiness
*****How to work together to support other women

As Anne writes in her newsletter:
“The fabulous truth in this day and age is that the size of our shared pie is growing, and more for me doesn’t mean less for you. And vice versa. The more we lift each other to new achievements, opportunities, and experiences, the greater the pie grows. Another woman’s gain is no longer our loss. Another woman’s gain is actually a gain for us all.”

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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