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All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

Boston: Building Your Authentic Brand

2023-04-25 • 6:00 pm ET

Boston: Building Your Authentic Brand



How do you tell your story? It’s not easy to whittle down our personalities, journeys, and values into one simple tagline or selling point. But when you do find your voice and cultivate a personal brand from a place of authenticity, you’ll notice your world begin to open up rapidly.

That’s what happened for entrepreneur, writer, and personal branding expert Anna Vatuone. When she struggled to effectively communicate her message as a first-time founder, she faced doubt from peers and advisors. Everything changed after Anna stopped telling people what she thought they wanted to hear and began telling a narrative that felt true to herself; her business grew exponentially, she gained an audience of 150k in less than one year, and she got her confidence back.

Join us as Anna tells her story and gives us pointers on how to tell our own authentic stories in a way that resonates and calls people to action, including how to balance our personal and professional selves. As always, there will be light bites and beverages for you to enjoy, and we’d love it if you brought a friend!

As always, tasty bites, wine, and drinks will be served, plus meaningful connections for all.

Hope you can make it, and please invite any women in your life to join our community!

We’re stronger together,

Boston Instigators

This event will be hosted by our Boston Local Instigators: Ashleigh Powers, Jill Bodnar, Jin Li Frick, Meghan Houle, and Susan Thifault. You’ll receive specific location, parking, and arrival details after signup.

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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