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LA: The Art of Investing in Art

2022-12-13 • 6:30 pm PT

LA: The Art of Investing in Art


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It’s the season of gifting to others – but what do you gift yourself?

Parlay House LA is back in December with some real talk about investing in Art. Art is so personal and it’s really hard to buy it for someone else. So when we buy it for ourselves, how do we decide? Do we move forward because we love it? Do we think it’s undervalued and one day will be worth more? It’s so hard to know!

That’s where Parlay House friends like John Wolf come in. He’s a global art advisor and the founder of a major LA art brokerage. He has invited us into his home and will walk us through his personal collection, guiding us through his art-buying decisions and giving us some tips along the way.

As always, there will be tasty bites, wine, and meaningful connections galore. To maximize the intimate nature of this conversation and “tour”, we’ll be capping the event at 30 so save your spot asap!

We can’t wait to see you there,


All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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