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Leading from a Distance

2020-05-21 • 5:00 pm PST

Leading from a Distance


Leadership has become increasingly complicated for all of us. “Leading from a distance” is our new normal, and those of us with responsibility are having to be exceptionally creative as we move forward without the input and feedback that we usually glean from in-person interactions.

Now imagine that as a leader, you are working in a vacuum, and your decisions don’t just affect your team, your family, your business, or your community. They affect millions of lives in the US and abroad.

This week’s Parlay House welcomes New Jersey Senator and former Presidential Candidate, Cory Booker. He will talk about how he is adjusting to leading-in-place and will give us a glimpse behind the scenes of our government where some of the most difficult decisions are being made.

As he joins us from his home in Newark, he’ll talk about:

  • What it takes to lead from afar
  • How he stays personally connected during social distancing
  • What he is doing to stay grounded in the midst of our global emergency
  • What it feels like to be both a Senator and a candidate for President during these unprecedented times

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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