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2020-10-15 • 5:00 pm PST



The following Parlay From Away conversation discusses sexual child abuse, incest, and other related potentially triggering subjects. Please put your mental safety and comfort first before moving on. For immediate support, call the RAINN hotline for free at 800.656.4673.

You never know what experiences life has in store for you, nor what kind of life raft it will throw your way when you’re struggling to stay afloat. We’ve all had moments when we needed something to pull us out of the dark. For some people, that’s a loved one, therapy, medication, or meditation. For this week’s speaker, Lisa Foster, it was a personality test.

After surviving sexual violation as a child, an emotionally abusive marriage as a young woman, and a disconnect with her son as a mother, Lisa had lost herself. These experiences left her feeling voiceless and unworthy of authentic love and connection. Then, in an effort to better understand her and her son’s differences, she began exploring their personality test results. The more she dove in, the more she felt like she had finally found herself.

Though she worked through many modalities for her own healing over the years, the power of personality became her most significant life raft in lifting her out of unthinkably hard times and building the bridges she needed to overcome her personal trauma, connect with her son, and rebuild a life of her own at 42.

By integrating insights from tests like CliftonStrengths, Myers Briggs, and the Enneagram, Lisa rediscovered her voice, her worth, and her personal mission.

Embracing this most unexpected life raft was so transformative on her own journey that she later launched Parillume, a business on a mission to harness personality tests to create more authentic, connected, and fulfilling lives for other survivors, families, and corporate teams.

What if we all embraced the unexpected? Join us and let’s learn, together.

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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