All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.


2020-12-17 • 5:00 pm PST



We’re all about finding ways to lift each other. But we can’t always do it alone.

Join us this week as we spotlight three important allies: men who are lifting the women in their lives – both at work and at home. Each became a feminist in his own way, and we hope that hearing their stories will inspire you to tell the men in your lives how they can do the same.

Our panel will include:

  • Dan Springer, CEO of DocuSign
  • Elaun Rave, a stay-at-home dad
  • Tony Cinotto, Senior Program Manager who supports female leaders in the workplace

Join us, and invite your fathers, sons, colleagues, and friends to join this week’s session. The more connected we are, the stronger we’ll be.

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within!"
Maya Angelou

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