All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

NYC: Unhide and Seek

2023-09-21 • 6:30 pm ET

NYC: Unhide and Seek


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Many women working their way up the corporate ladder feel they’re at a disadvantage as women in the workforce. They liken it to “fighting with one hand tied behind their backs”. Our next Parlay House speaker made her way up the corporate ladder single-handedly, in both a literal and figurative sense.

Ruth Rathblott was born with only one hand, and her personal story adds perspective about how to turn disability into strength. She’s now on a mission to help broaden the definition of disability in the workforce and beyond, making all of us with differences feel seen and supported.

We can’t wait to see your face!

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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