All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

NYC: Who Put the ‘P’ in Politics?

2023-12-06 • 6:30 pm ET

NYC: Who Put the ‘P’ in Politics?


All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you’re on our list,  become a member here.

Have you noticed that the news is dominated by reports of political aggression, lies, scandals and misbehavior? Many of the stories feel impossible to believe.

We want to shed light about what goes on behind the closed doors. Join us for a behind-the-scenes talk about the long-hidden secrets, scandals and power dynamics that drive modern day politics and get real-life insight about what goes on in the places we can’t see.

Our speaker will be Karen Hinton, whose incredible journey began with humble roots in rural Mississippi and evolved to roles as Press Secretary for influential figures in both New York and Washington, D.C.. What she saw, learned and experienced is an eye-opener to say the least.

Karen has captured it all in her new memoir, Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men & Power. It’s an insider’s perspective on what it truly means to be a woman in the world of newsrooms, Congress, and the highest echelons of American political power where ego, entitlement, power, testosterone, and “bro culture” reign supreme.

This will be yet another Parlay House gathering where we’ll talk about the real stuff and feel buoyed by new connections, conversations and the chance to connect about the experiences that touch us deeply.

As always, bring a friend and enjoy a light bite!

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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