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All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

NYC: Worth Fighting For

2023-01-19 • 6:30 pm ET

NYC: Worth Fighting For


All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you’re on our list,  become a member here.

We all know how to start a conversation with the woman on the left. But most of us are either too unfamiliar or – let’s face it – too judgmental about the woman on the right to take an interest in who she really is.

We’re here to break down that barrier!

Meet Kristen Griest, the first female to graduate from Army Ranger School and the first female infantry officer. She’s a graduate of West Point, a stellar leader who is willing to openly share her journey from privilege to service, and a woman who wants to build bridges between civilians and soldiers.

As always, bring a friend and enjoy a light bite!

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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