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Parlay House Workshop | What it means to Know Oneself

2023-01-22 • 9:00 am PT

Parlay House Workshop | What it means to Know Oneself


So many of us equate knowing ourselves with knowing our weaknesses, our faults, our failures and our imperfections. But there’s a huge difference between self manipulation and compassionate awareness.

This conversation explores the nature of self-care and the importance of nurturing compassionate self-awareness as a way to cultivate an intimate friendship with oneself.

We’ll discuss the conditions for genuine self-care and how to identify when we fall into the trap of critical self-analysis disguised as care. Participants can expect to join a meditative reflection after the conversation in which they can connect with their essence and develop clarity on what true care means to them.

Kirat Randhawa is a New York City based contemplative guide, therapist-in-training, and inspired student of Tibetan Buddhism. Her personal journey and deep course of study has led her to craft a pathway to guide others in personal development, conscious exploration, transformational practices, and life’s shifts. Her training at Columbia University and The Nalanda Institute, and in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction lineage, has allowed her to develop a multidimensional approach to support clients on their path toward greater alignment and joy.

We can’t wait to see you there.
Anne & Arielle

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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