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All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

SF: Hip Hip Hypnosis

2023-06-08 • 6:00 pm PT

SF: Hip Hip Hypnosis


All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you’re on our list,  become a member here.

The stories we tell ourselves influence how we experience the world.

But did you know that you have the power to rewrite negative scripts in your subconscious to turn negative self talk into much more positive experiences and outcomes?

Parlay House is opening the door to hypnosis: the natural (though seemingly magical) therapeutic process that allows us to take control of our inner thoughts and beliefs to channel our subconscious power in a positive way.

Our next speaker – Richard Barker: The Incredible Hypnotist – has found success treating patients all over the world for a wide array of personal struggles including trauma, PTSD, anxiety, addiction, stunted career growth, weight loss, low self-esteem, smoking, low sex-drive, and more.

Join us in June to hear from this two-time Parlay House speaker alum, who will reveal:

  • What hypnosis is and why it’s so misunderstood
  • How to outcast our negative belief systems
  • How hypnotic visualization can help us reach incredible goals
  • How to build & practice hypnotic success habits

We can all stand to explore new ways to stay positive, focused, and feeling in control of our ability to prosper.

As always, bring a friend and enjoy a light bite!

We can’t wait to Parlay with you!

Anne & Arielle

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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Maya Angelou

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