All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.

SF: When Everything Changes

2023-07-18 • 6:00 pm PT

SF: When Everything Changes


UPDATE: Parlay Members to the Rescue!

Lisbeth McNabb has stepped up and offered to turn this event into a Parlay Petite gathering so that we can keep this inspirational conversation going.

It will be a FREE, BYOB/PotLuck event at her apartment on Jones and Broadway on Tuesday, the 18th from 6-8pm.

She only has room for 20 members, so if you want to dive in to this petite event, act fast!

What a great way to Parlay one opportunity into another.

All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you’re on our list,  become a member here.

So many of us are in life transitions right now. New Jobs. New Cities. New Life Stages. Transitions are the moments where the ground feels unstable and we’re forced to create a “new normal”.

Patty McGuigan and Tesha McCord Poe know about this instability big time. They’ve had to deal with life transitions of the biggest sort when both of them became widows. Patty lost her husband a few months after the onset of an illness, and Tesha (along with her two teenage daughters) had to find solid footing when her husband suddenly and unexpectedly passed away.

These women made it through this traumatic period with support from their communities and by building bonds with each other. Their soon-to-be-released book, Beyond Widow: Inspiration From the Trenches contains poignant essays of their survival and friendship. Hearing from them will not only make us feel less alone if we find ourselves in the same position, and will also bring inspiration from the joy and humor that women can bring to each other even in the worst of times.

As always, bring a friend and enjoy a light bite!

We can’t wait to Parlay with you!

Anne & Arielle

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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