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Taking Charge of Your Health

2023-04-06 • 5:00 pm PT

Taking Charge of Your Health


Food. Food. Food. It can make us remember our childhood. It can help us bond with others when sharing a meal. It can transport us to places we’ve never been.

Trained at Michelin establishments such as Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Judy Ni, knows about how food impacts our lives. She’s the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants who has incorporated her heritage and traditions into a way of eating that honors the experience and puts sustainability, diversity, and equity at the forefront of cuisine.

Join us as Judy explains how evolving the way we think about food & food systems can significantly impact the outcomes of individuals, communities, and societies. And of course, invite a friend who loves food to join you for this great event. It’ll feed the soul on so many levels.


The child of Taiwanese immigrants, Judy grew up eating the vegetables raised in her family’s backyard, surrounded by Aunties and Uncles. The values of sustainability, the importance of quality ingredients and food were passed down by the family and community.

That connection was further impressed upon her as she entered the hospitality industry after stints in finance and operations. The time and experience in hospitality deepened her commitment to sustainability and naturally extended into food systems. Her growing understanding of her family’s history and journey made clear how much power investment in foundational resources (food, education, healthcare, and transportation) could impact the outcomes of individuals, communities, and societies.

A pragmatic optimist, her businesses and projects are built upon the principles of equity and diversity knowing the investment we place in one another is the path to sustainability and economically the best choice for us all.

All in person event invites & details will be sent to members by email.



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