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Parlay House Events

Learn. Grow. Connect. Parlay.

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How do we best change our perspective of the experiences of those who are different? Join us for an all-important conversation with two members of the Parlay House community, Adimika Arthur and Carla Vernón. They will talk about their personal…

2020-06-18 • 5:00 pm PST

Tales from a Non-Conformist

Let's get the inside scoop on how one woman took “being different” and turned it into a global beauty empire. Join us to hear Leslie Blodgett, Founder of the bareMinerals beauty brand, share the skinny about how her quirks, missteps…

2020-06-04 • 5:00 pm PST


Meditation to turn the table on loneliness. In this time of isolation, many of us feel alone and disconnected. But what if we find a way to use this time to accelerate self-exploration? Let’s make isolation work for us rather…

2020-06-02 • 4:00 pm PST


Most of us feel trapped by the restrictions that are keeping us tight in our homes. Many of us feel afraid of the unfamiliar new world and now though the dangers of this virus still remain, businesses are slowly starting…

2020-05-28 • 5:00 pm PST

Leading from a Distance

Leadership has become increasingly complicated for all of us. “Leading from a distance” is our new normal, and those of us with responsibility are having to be exceptionally creative as we move forward without the input and feedback that we…

2020-05-21 • 5:00 pm PST

Deconstructing Double Standards: Female Sexuality

Thinking about ourselves as sexual beings can feel awkward and uncomfortable in the best of times and the idea of talking about our sexuality in the middle of a global health crisis can sound a little ridiculous, we know. That…

2020-05-14 • 5:00 pm PST


Parlay House is partnering with IndieFlix to bring you a screening of their powerful documentary, Angst, followed by a panel discussion on how to address living with anxiety and coping with loved ones who are struggling. Angst is a film-based education program…

2020-05-12 • 4:00 pm PST


With an uncertain future looming for all of us, Parlay House wants to make sure that our members are as well-equipped as possible to make it through the transition. Last week we talked about mental strength and intention. This week…

2020-05-07 • 5:00 pm PST


You’ve probably learned that it’s the language we tell ourselves on the inside that dictates the output we experience on the outside, but did you know that you have the power to rewrite the scripts your subconscious mind turns into…

2020-04-30 • 5:00 pm PST

Viewing 217-225 of 231 events


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"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within!"
Maya Angelou

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