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Parlay House Events

Learn. Grow. Connect. Parlay.

Past events...

Boston: Creative Consciousness and The Mother Archetype

SIGN UP HERE Join us on May 25th to learn more about true creativity, where it comes from and how it's actually a level of consciousness. What most people don't realize is that entrepreneurship and any art form is really…

2023-05-25 • 6:00 pm ET

Parlay House Workshop | Finding your SUPERPOWERS and Presenting them with CONFIDENCE

Are you the creative genius? The organizing fiend? Always speedily crunching the numbers? The social butterfly? We all have several superpowers…but it’s not always easy to identify them or put them to use in an effective way. Fortunately, our next…

2023-05-11 • 12:00 pm PT

SF: A Life of Wine

All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you're on our list,  become a member here. Wine has always been a staple of our Parlay House gatherings. So have conversations about our passions,…

2023-05-04 • 6:00 pm PT

NYC: Wonderland Dreams (A Field Trip)

All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you're on our list,  become a member here. Parlay House is taking a field trip! No, we’re not jumping on a school bus. We’re heading…

2023-05-03 • 6:30 pm ET

Media Consciousness and You

How do you develop better media consciousness when you're constantly bombarded with information? It's easy to decipher messages we disagree with, but what about ones that play into our beliefs? Or ones that are meant to appeal to or manipulate…

2023-04-20 • 5:00 pm PT

DC: The Art and Arc of Social Connection

All in person event invites will be sent to members by email. To make sure you're on our list,  become a member here. Introverted? Been there - it’s truly okay. A flaming extrovert? Yup - some people are like that…

2023-05-04 • 6:30 pm ET

Taking Charge of Your Health

Food. Food. Food. It can make us remember our childhood. It can help us bond with others when sharing a meal. It can transport us to places we've never been. Trained at Michelin establishments such as Blue Hill at Stone…

2023-04-06 • 5:00 pm PT

Boston: Building Your Authentic Brand

SIGN UP HERE How do you tell your story? It’s not easy to whittle down our personalities, journeys, and values into one simple tagline or selling point. But when you do find your voice and cultivate a personal brand from…

2023-04-25 • 6:00 pm ET

Sacramento: The Sharp End of Life

SIGN UP HERE How many of you have seen the Oscar-winning movie Free Solo? It's a National Geographic documentary about Professional rock climber Alex Honnold as he attempts to conquer the first free solo climb of famed El Capitan's 3,000ft…

2023-04-14 • 4:00 pm PT

Viewing 82-90 of 224 events


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"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within!"
Maya Angelou

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