May 2023


Last year for my 60th birthday, my husband proposed a celebratory trip for me and six girlfriends in the Caribbean. My only responsibilities were to pack my clothes and pull a group together. He’d handle the rest.

If you know me even a little, you’ll give him big kudos: the gift of “Time with People I Love” is the best possible present.

But picking only six friends was a near-impossible task.

I’ve spent the last chapter of my life with the intention of building better, deeper and more meaningful friendships, and I must say that I exceeded my goals.

I’ve built bonds with more wonderful female friends than I even knew existed when I was neck-deep in corporate America.

So how did I decide who to include on this celebratory adventure? My first reaction was to think about my tribe. My posse.

Tribes and posses are such ancient yet modern concepts.

Historically, tribes were social divisions within societies made up of people similar in status, economic position, bloodlines and religion.

Posses were slightly more menacing but like-minded grouping: a group of people (usually men) summoned by the “lead guy” to help enforce the law. One person led, and the others did the dirty work.

We now describe tribes and posses with phrases like “my ride or die,” my inner circle, my peeps.

But I soon realized that I didn’t have, nor did I want, a fixed tribe, posse, inner circle or peeps.

I wanted to bust out of those familiar segments and predictable mindsets.

Why? Because by definition, groups of people in tribes and posses tend to be a lot like each other from the get-go, and they spend as much time keeping others out as they do inviting those who feel “other” in.

Who wants to only surround themselves with people whose lives and beliefs are shockingly similar? For me, “it’s a small world” would quickly become a “dull world” if I only associated with people like me.

I wanted a celebration with women who would stretch me and stretch each other.

I wanted to open the possibility for unexpected perspectives, experiences and growth.

I wanted a new form of community to kick-start my next 60 years.

Instead of just picking the people I’d spent the most time with, I began my process with an intentional gamble. I only invited people who didn’t know each other and were exceptionally different from each other.

Of course, I could see some sort of commonality between them (and I already loved each of them for the woman she was), but the potential points of connection and overlap were not obvious.

I chose my BFF sister, my college best friend, and an amazing woman I’ve only known for the last couple of years. One was in Alabama, the next in Stockholm, and the last in Marin, California. I included a poet, a highly-successful entrepreneur, and the only woman in my life who was a high school cheerleader and continues to bust out all the moves.

We ranged in age across a 40-year span, with pieces of our lives spent in different places and on different paths. We have ethnic, religious, geographic, stylistic, and cultural differences too. Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. Career-centric and inner-life led. Happily married. Happily not married. Somewhere in the middle.

The one thing we had in common (aside from being women and knowing me) was that we were all open to being open.

As we began our five days of togetherness, someone brought a birthday banner that said, ‘ExtravagANNEza’. But in the heat of my excitement, I read it as Extravag Anne za.

Extravag became our group moniker because an extra vag is always a good thing. A promising start to be sure.

* * *

From the moment we landed, we drank, twerked and swam. We swapped book recommendations, health tips and paddle board techniques. Some went to bed early, and others chatted till near dawn.

By the end of the first day, we were sharing childhood memories and telling stories. By day two, we were sharing secrets, goals and dreams. By day three, we were promising to support each other through all that life would bring.

By the fifth and final day, we cried that it had ended so fast.

Not only did we get to know (and love) each other, but I think we got to know and love ourselves a little bit more when framed by this new close-knit community of women who are very different.

* * *

Since that gathering, the connections and bonds have solidified across the miles.

Last week, we had a reunion, and while I can’t tell you what was shared because what happens in Extravag stays in Extravag, let’s just say it got even better.

The magic began at the level we’d left it, and we found that while we were apart, each of us became committed to replicating our experience in our own way. We’re creating new forms of communities that break us out of the tribal bubbles and posse protection that might have prevented the birth of this new collective.

The poet is becoming a singer and bonding in that new world. The cheerleader is becoming a business leader, and the career-exec is narrowing her scope to focus on the small connections that matter. The Swede is helping launch Parlay House in Stockholm. The community builder missed the reunion because she was off in Paris on her own community-building quest. My sister and I have expanded our connection through creative collaborations that span mediums, miles and meaning.

It turns out that moving outside of our bubbles didn’t burst them at all.

* * *

How might you grow beyond your tribe, posse or bubble?

Share it Small: How about getting to know someone whose life is really different than yours? It all begins with a simple invitation and your willingness to begin the conversation by sharing a personal truth that makes space for them to do the same.

Share it Big: Find your own Extravag! Maybe it’s pulling together a range of people from your own life, or maybe it’s inviting strangers into your world as I did when I began Parlay House. However you start shuffling the deck, you’re bound to be dealt an interesting hand.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


April 2023


I don’t need glasses to see things at a distance, but I need a 2.5x magnification to read just about anything. I can identify a whale’s spout a mile offshore but can’t read a restaurant menu in front of my nose. I can make out a street sign more than a block away, but I can’t read the temperature on my car’s dashboard without glasses.

I see things differently depending on my own configuration, and I’m guessing you do too.

How we see things differs based on how we’re wired, what we’ve experienced, what we’ve been taught, the things that excite us, and how closely we look.

Personally, I tend to see things up close and personal, noticing a hair out of place, a perfect piece of jewelry, or a painting that needs to be moved an inch to the left. But I can also easily misread signs if I’m not paying attention or assume I already know what I see and therefore fail to look closely enough.

Some of my favorite people in the world (like my husband) are just the opposite.

They’re focused on big-picture views and overall impressions but can’t possibly tell me what the person they met for lunch looked like. They definitely won’t notice that I colored my hair or even that it was getting gray in the first place.

This leads me to wonder: When we look at the same things, do we see the same things?

He looks at me and takes comfort when he sees the “me” he already knows.

I love the “him” that already exists and look specifically for the new details that expand my familiarity.

In a world that feels increasingly polarized, I can’t help but wonder how many of us are looking at the same thing but focusing on a different aspect of it. We need some explanation for how we can live in the same household or country at the same time and still see things so differently.

In a time of social instability, we’re straining to find proof that what we see is real. We’re searching for the concrete. The unmovable. The truth.

* * *

When we feel unstable and ungrounded, most of us dial up our search for the black and white.

A black-and-white situation is one in which it is easy to understand right and wrong, true or false, good or bad. If something is black and white, it is clear and distinct. Something being black and white means that there is no ambiguity. No room for personal interpretation. No shades or subtlety.

Maybe we feel that if it’s black and white, it’s universal. After all, even colorblind people can differentiate black from white.

Of course, most aspects of life aren’t black and white.

So how do we cope with the obvious tension between a desire for complete clarity and the fact that such clarity doesn’t exist?

If we can never agree on universal truths, how do we come together to close the gaps we can all sense?

The answer might lie in the spectrum.

I recently went down a scientific rabbit hole to learn about sight and how what I see might differ from what others see. Is the gray I see the same as the one you are experiencing when we look at the same thing?

I learned that most of the colors humans see are a dizzying combination of primary hues spun for us through the three cones in our eyes.

Butterflies have 5 or 6 cones compared to our 3, so the number of iterations and variety of colors they experience is far beyond anything we can imagine. I’d love to see the world through a butterfly’s eyes, and I know that I would have to do a huge amount of processing to experience the world so differently.

Recently, scientists learned that the tiny mantis shrimp, a carnivorous marine crustacean less than 4” long, has 16 extra color cones in its eyes. Mantis shrimp spend most of their lives burrowed deep into underwater bunkers, enjoying a color experience that is incomprehensible to us. (At least, it’s incomprehensible to those of us who have never been on an acid trip.)

Obviously, we’re not butterflies or shrimp.

But even though most of us are built with three nearly identical color cones, it’s clear that we do not see the same things at all.

Maybe we need to take baby steps.

I suggest we search for shades of gray.

In color theory, gray symbolizes compromise and control. Gray areas mean that something is undefined. While gray can often mean bland or safe, it can also be a mechanism for finding common ground. Looking for the gray – a bit of black in my white and a bit of white in your black might help us move more closely towards each other.

Gray makes room for exceptions. For sharing. For humanity.

I’m working on stretching beyond the absolute “clarity” of black and white to come closer to those who seem so far away by embracing the gray.

I’m not ready to stop with the hair color yet, but at least I’ve stopped dying the roots.

* * *

Where can you find gray that matters?

Share it Small: Take some time to question your beliefs – especially the most polarizing ones or those you assume are true but haven’t reevaluated in a long time. Is there any wiggle room? If so, start wiggling!

Share it Big: Reach out to someone who seems at the other end of the spectrum, and see if you can talk about opportunities for moderation. Then explain to the people who tend to see the world as you do how you found common ground with someone so different. Who knows, they might try it too!

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.

TLDL: My Friend Making News

Too Long Didn’t Listen is for all of you movers and shakers, who either don’t have time to dive into full episodes, or simply prefer to skim the highlights.

We don’t want anyone missing out on the wonderful stories and fascinating insights shared by the colorful guests we host on Bring A Friend, the Parlay House podcast. So here’s the first in a series of snack-sized episode rundowns:

My Friend Making News with Jessica Aguirre

We’re kicking off Bring A Friend Season 6 with a BANG! Join us in listening to the episode in full, or read on for our highlights, as Jessica delves into the world of news anchoring, journalism, and shares anecdotal experiences about aging with this ever-changing industry across her 25-year long career.

About Jessica

Jessica Aguirre is the 5, 6 and 11 p.m. evening anchor at NBC Bay Area News and an Emmy award winning journalist. Jessica has been a prime-time, evening anchor in the Bay Area for over 20 years. She began her career at the Spanish Language network, Univision, while attending the University of Miami. Before arriving in the Bay Area in 1998 she anchored and reported in Los Angeles and Miami, conducting investigative work that earned her multiple Emmys as well as an Associated Press award.

Most recently Jessica was inducted into the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Silver Circle for twenty-five years of excellence in television journalism. Jessica resides in the East Bay, with her two daughters. Her devotion to learning, supporting children and local charities has her routinely on the lecture circuit in the Bay Area discussing education, gender equity and minority advancement in the workplace. Jessica also serves on the board of Watermark, the Bay Area’s largest membership organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in leadership positions.

Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert.

What does Jessica wish people knew about her? That for an extrovert I’m surprisingly quiet. I could spend the whole day by myself, not talk to anyone, and sit and read all day long.

What’s the hardest lesson the world keeps putting in front of Jessica? That I can’t make other people do something they don’t want to do.

What’s Jessica’s perfect snack? The perfect snack for me is crackers and butter.

Key Moments

“So much of what has changed about journalism over the last 40 years has been the technology aspect of it, the access to it, and the corporate machine of it. Just from a hands-on perspective – when I first started I was in college, I started in my sophomore year working in a television station – and back then we had paper prompters, where you would put paper on a rolling machine and someone would crank it. And versions of paper that had been typed on would flow through and you would have to tape them together. Now, it’s an electronic voice-operated prompter, which no one even mans.”

“What hasn’t changed are the elements of telling a story, of gathering the truth, of being able to do investigative journalism and tell someone’s story. The way you tell someone’s story today, regardless of technology or advancements is the same. The truth of journalism hasn’t changed.”

“We have to separate what are pundits and what is opinion news from what is news. Unfortunately, I think those lines have gotten completely blurred. As a viewer – you can’t tell – with the onset of cable news, which has been a great boon to being able to cover news 24/7 and being able to have access to that, but we are kidding ourselves if we don’t look at cable news outlets like CNN or like Fox and realize that they have their slants.”

“We are living in a world where everybody wants to look at the news from their own opinion, so that they can reinforce what their own political beliefs are, what their own standards are.”

“The perceptions that people had of me, as a young Latina woman, are so different from the perceptions that people have of me now. When I first started in television in the late ‘80s, when I was in college and starting to be a reporter, what I would hear from different agents and news directors was ‘You’re going to do great in mainstream English-language TV, because you’re a light-skinned Hispanic.’ They would literally say this to me ‘You’re a light-skinned Hispanic, you do need to straighten your hair, though.’”

“It is crazy the standard that we have for women, but if you step back and look at it, it is a standard that is consistent from when we were younger. There seems to be, that there is no place, at any age, for a woman to be treated with respect as she is. There is a sweet spot in which people want you to be that is almost impossible, and that is really evident when you are older.”

“I think what I do is very serious, but I never take myself too seriously. Because, that doesn’t allow you to learn. If I can’t laugh at my own mistakes or the things that I’ve done – and I’ve taught that to my kids, and I grew up in a family like that – then I can’t find common ground. I think as a society we’ve kind of lost our ability to laugh. We just want to be hardcore all the time. And just because you’re laughing, it doesn’t mean you’re not learning something.”

“Remember that no matter what the story is, the story is about people. No matter what the issue is, whether it is poverty or crime, it all goes back to the same thing. All of these things are things that happen to people, they impact people. So ultimately, you are always telling a story about someone’s suffering or win or struggle. And you can’t forget that. In the end, it’s all about human connection.”


March 2023


I spent my career in advertising but never would have imagined that I’d find myself in front of the camera. No, not a TV camera or a film set. I found myself videotaping a post for TikTok.

Times have changed and so have the ways we communicate about ourselves and our businesses. I’m doing my best to stay current.

Last week when I finished recording a post for Parlay House and replayed my message to make sure it was decent, I found that the words were right, but something else was off.

I sounded like I was rushing.

Speaking too fast and forgetting to breathe, my words sounded jumbled, urgent, and intense instead of the enthusiastic, warm, and welcoming tone I was going for.

Deep sigh. I deleted the recording and started again.

But before I hit “record,” I gave myself some much-needed coaching.

Slow down and take a beat.

While I still don’t like seeing myself on camera, slowing my pace allowed me to take a moment to add emphasis where it was needed and to communicate much more clearly. The second take was better.

* * *

Fast forward to yesterday.

I drove from San Francisco to Sacramento to launch Parlay House in our newest city. I’m the Founder of our organization with a huge interest in having it succeed, and I was also the guest speaker who wanted to do a good job.

I was excited but felt the pressure, too. I needed to draw people in and create a picture of the almost indescribable positive energy and sense of belonging that happens when we gather. I needed to tell my story in a way that was meaningful and relatable.

Of course, I’ve talked about my personal journey, the founding of Parlay House, and my aspirations for us as we grow, hundreds of times before. But as I learned from the TikTok playback, in order to be effective, I needed to slow down, breathe, and remember the power of the pause.

Pauses cause people to lean in.

They lean in with anticipation. They lean in to hear something that feels a bit more suspenseful. They lean in to absorb.

Sadly, I’m not a natural pauser.

Sometimes I rush my delivery because I’m excited. Oftentimes I plow through because I fear that I’ll forget the points I wanted to make if I don’t get them out quickly enough. Occasionally, I lose sight of the journey and just want to get to the end. But maybe most often, I rush in a competitive way – like finishing first might somehow make me the “winner.”

I do the same sort of rushing in other parts of my life as well.

I love exercising and participating in activities, so I stubbornly refuse to slow down, even if I have an injury. My fear about pausing is that I’ll never get back in shape, that I’ll never regain my motivation, and that other fitness freaks might get ahead of me.

Pauses feel scary, especially if you aren’t certain about what comes after the pause.

With the exception of my final role in the corporate world, I’ve never paused between jobs.

Despite my success, I always worried that leaving a job, even an unsatisfying one, might mean that no other employer would want me. I worried that a gap in my resume would signal something negative. I worried that people would view me as a quitter if I left without having something impressive to move to.

So I plowed through until I could pick up the baton at my next role to keep running as fast as I was running at the last place.

And while I did a little bit better in the arena of love, leaving a failed relationship before looking for the next one, I still heard the quiet murmur of negative self-talk that suggested no one would want me or that I would need to settle for someone who couldn’t give me what I was looking for.

Am I enough without that job, that partner, that fitness?

The truth is: my failures to pause have been strategic mistakes driven by competitiveness and insecurity.

While I’ve been pushing to continually surpass my “personal best,” I could have been working to become my “Best Person.”

Personal best means doing better than you did before. Faster, stronger, higher.

Best person means letting your own hierarchy of values be the measure of whether you’re enough. Not “enough” as defined by anyone else. Enough as defined by you.

Being your best person leaves room for pause because it requires time to stop and assess. To reflect and feel. To adjust and to dream. To let go and start again.

I may never get used to TikTok. But I’m getting much more comfortable with myself now that I’ve paused long enough to remember what really matters

* * *

Share it Small: Can you define your own values that are your guidepost for being your own best person? Once you do, write those values on a slip of paper and place them on your bathroom mirror, next to your bed, on a bookmark inside your book, or wherever else they will be a reminder of what makes you feel best about yourself.

I have “empathy, kindness, generosity and creativity” on a sticky note hanging inside my closet, and that reminder gives me a moment to think about whether my focus is where I want it to be.

Share it Big: This one is easy: When you are living as your best person and all that means, you will already be spreading the love and setting an example for others about how to live life with pause and purpose.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Feb 2023


Last week I decided to knit a sweater, choosing an organic cream-colored hand-spun super chunky wool which knit up with great texture. But as I worked my way through the first twenty rows, I realized that the completed garment would be so warm that I’d swelter. So I unraveled what I had started and opted to make a poncho instead, figuring that the open sides would allow for more breathability.

After about three straight hours of compulsive knitting, I noticed I made an error in the cable pattern towards the beginning. It was a big error, something everyone would see.

Again I pulled all of the stitches off my needles to rip out the work above the mistake and fix it. But before I did, I laid the flattened form onto the table to see whether I’d want to make any other changes after the repair. Looking at it, I realized that the poncho would have been a great fit for The Rock, but it would look like a TeePee on 5’ 4” me.

I ripped the whole thing out again.

The “old me” would have finished the first super bulky sweater just to finish or ignored the cable pattern error in my second attempt because my tendency is to get things done quickly rather than get them done well. The old me would have been frustrated, maybe even to the point of setting the project aside forever.

Luckily, I’ve changed a lot.

The new me recognizes that the process, not the product matters most.

(Nod to T.S. Elliot’s, “The journey, not the arrival matters.”) Now, I get it.

There is something incredibly soothing about the journey of knitting. Maybe it’s the rhythm of the needles or the feel of the yarn between my fingers. Sometimes I knit as I watch TV or listen to a book. But mostly, I let my mind wander.

It feels like an important cleansing and a time for my subconscious to rise into consciousness.

Of course, I love having a completed project to give to my granddaughter, one of my daughters, or to wear myself.

But the final product feels superficial, while the flow of the process remains peacefully with me.

I find it soothing to create garments and equally soothing to undo something that wasn’t right and start again.

I used to think that ripping out a knit or a sewn mistake was a sign of failure. But now starting again to become better or different or happier has been crucial to my growth.

* * *

For example, when I began the divorce process from my first husband, the undoing was painful. But it got easier as I went along, and the clean slate allowed me to think about what I wanted in a future relationship and to work towards it. (Thank goodness I have found it with David!)

Moving out of my career in advertising was a similar experience: unwinding years of work where my self-definition, measure of success, and gauge of happiness were based on “what I did for a living” rather than “what I wanted for a life.” Even though it wasn’t my choice, leaving allowed me to think of (and create) the kind of community I always wanted but never found.

That community is now Parlay House.

Ripping myself away from New York/New Jersey as my home base and broadening my definition of “where I live” to include San Francisco was yet another slate-cleaning time. I now find peace in a bi-coastal life where I can enjoy the best of both places.

Many of us are in transitions at the moment.

We’re letting go of what was to make room for something better. By starting from scratch, we open ourselves up to new experiences, different patterns, and infinite opportunities for growth.

So, if you are like I am and tearing out the old to make room for something new, I support you.

As you watch the old stitches unravel, remember that you are setting yourself up to create something beautiful. The last chapter was good practice and gave you experience and insight to do things differently as you move forward. Now you might change the fiber, the stitches, the pattern, or the tension.

Yes, we take a deep breath before the undoing, but the exhale is long and freeing.

As was true with my knitting project, making a mistake the second time around isn’t much different from the first – it’s another chance to start again, evolve, and enjoy the process that unfolds.

I hope your unraveling does the same for you. There is joy in new beginnings.

* * *

If you’ve unwound a piece of your life to try something new, I’d love to hear about it!

Share it Small: Tell your inner circle about your process of releasing the old and beginning fresh. I’m guessing they’ll give you support and let you in on their own transformation.

Share it Big: Most of us think that we are the only ones making a big life change, yet 30% of us are in a transition at this very moment. If you can be open and public about what you’re leaving behind as well as what you hope to find, you’ll make someone else feel less alone as they go through their metamorphosis.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Jan 2023


Picture it. The sun is hovering over the horizon, lighting up the sky with color as it slowly sinks below the plane of the earth’s surface. For some minutes, the sky turns shades of red and pink, purple and blue, and after it dips below the horizon, the heavens echo for a while longer with changing colors and patterns.

Where were you when you saw the most beautiful sunset ever?

Tanzania and Kauai are tied for first place on my “best sunsets ever” list.

Most of us remember those moments because they take us back to a fabulous vacation or a moment of pause. We might remember the color, the light or even a brief flash of green that is almost as elusive as seeing a cheetah on a safari. We might remember those moments as calming closures, time for memories or insightful observations.

For many of us, sunsets not only mark the end of day or frame an exceptional experience. They provide important moments of reflection. It was at sunset when I realized that I needed friends to watch the sky with me (and to talk about life). The insight gained at sunset led me to create Parlay House.

But this letter isn’t really about sunsets. It’s about sunrises.

* * *

I’ve always loved sunsets but rarely paid attention to the dawn of a new day.

When I was a single, working mom, I saw a lot of sunrises as I high-tailed it from suburban New Jersey into NYC to get to the gym and then get to work. Sure the sun rose, as it always does, but I couldn’t clearly focus on it because I was too caught up in the “doing” to be able to see, feel and appreciate what was right in front of me. In those days, while the sun rose, I was simultaneously driving, shoveling snow, making kids’ lunches or trying to get the dog to walk before I had to leave the house.

Fast forward to 22,241 sunrises and sunsets later.

I’m in a new chapter of life now, more aware of the passing of days. Sunsets have become a bit melancholy for me: I associate them with what has ended or what’s passing all too quickly.

To move beyond that “mood,” I’m dialing in on sunrises. Each day, seeing the rising sun feels like a small but meaningful opening, beginning, or new chapter.

I’ve been spending time in a house that faces east, and from my bed (which I now have the luxury of lingering in long enough to see the sunrise without thinking about making school lunches), I’ve found myself exhilarated by the hope and promise of the glow of daybreak streaming through my window.

A new day is filled with opportunities.

Sunrise is my reminder that I have yet another chance to rise and shine. Literally.

Rising is the way to start living, one day at a time.

I may succeed in those hours on my quest(s), deepening a relationship, creating a new piece of clothing, hitting a personal best at the gym or supporting someone who needs help.

In those same hours, I may fail while trying to do something that I haven’t yet mastered. But at least I have the opportunity to try, and then to try again tomorrow.

Of course, it’s all a matter of perspective, of life stage, and of mindset.

When I was in full-blown working parent mode, sunsets meant I’d made it through another day. That was worth celebrating.

And now, with fewer days left ahead, sunrises are my chance to celebrate that I’m still here, with opportunities for connections, creations and the feel of potential still ahead: potential in the small moments framed by the rising and setting of the sun.

I am learning how to appreciate this new part of me – feeling connected with shorter moments of joy and awe, and choosing to be in the moment.

I’m being present as much as I can.

* * *

Share it Small: Have you found a way to reframe your life by being more present? Your focus on the moment will undoubtedly be appreciated by the people in your life who you are fully present for!

Share it Big: Do your times of reflection result in a growing appreciation of the people around you? Take a moment to spread the love by letting them know.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Dec 2022


As 2022 roars to a close, I find myself relieved to be moving past the stresses of this year. Despite the lessening of Covid and the beginning of a return to normal, I feel a bit worn out.

I need a big exhale and a personal reboot.

That self-reflection was what shaped our end-of-year celebration at Parlay House San Francisco last week, where we veered away from the usual speaker-led format and turned the evening into a party of sorts.

With a glass of champagne in one hand and a pen in another, women who came to our event wrote a list of feelings, experiences, trials and tribulations that we wanted to get rid of. Those pages would then be burned in a safe, indoor fire pit as a way of washing that negativity out of our systems and preparing us for something better.

As we sipped our bubbly, slips of paper filled the glass bowl to be taken to the fire ceremony.

On the papers were common themes:

Fear. Shame. Jealousy. Judgment. Self-criticism. Betrayal and Lies.

Debt. One-way Friendships. Regret.

Ex-lovers and Ex-husbands.

* * *

As we were pouring our hearts into the memories of what we wanted to set on fire, an alarm sounded throughout the house.

Had someone already lit the fire pit? Were the appetizers burning? Could it be that our collective will caused some sort of spontaneous combustion?

The firepit hadn’t been ignited, and the oven was off. A few people looked around for a source of smoke, but most of us held onto our glasses and our pens, assuming a false alarm.

It turns out there was a fire, but not the one we expected.

What was burning was the bathroom towel, which had slipped too close to the decorative candle, which was situated too close to the box of matches, which lit the adjacent wallpaper ablaze.

In a matter of seconds, the flames that we envisioned as burning our sorrows burned my bathroom instead.

Fortunately, a few quick thinkers doused the flames before we could even get to the fire extinguisher.

The best news is that no one was injured in the process.

The wallpaper will need to be replaced, the vanity now needs a facelift, and the towel is a goner. But the guests were fine and reasonably unphased.

* * *

Moving on from that near-disaster, the group trickled downstairs to complete phase one of the evening as planned. As we read the list of things we were letting go, the slips of paper were tossed into the well-controlled fire.

There was a palpable exhale as we said goodbye to the things that were weighing us down.

Shutting the door on 2022, we poured another glass of bubbly and poured ourselves into the second activity of the evening: writing love letters.

The letters (which will be mailed at a surprise time) were not notes of gratitude or holiday greetings.

They were love letters to ourselves.

The reason for this activity was simple: Most of us spend our lives caring for others. Whether it’s the holidays, work, family, pets, charities, or chores, most of us exert our energy caring for everyone else. Often, that leaves little to no time to care for ourselves.

Sure, there’s the occasional hour at the gym or a pick-me-up at the nail salon. But without some prompting, we rarely take time to think about and honor the pieces of ourselves that we truly love.

We value the smallest traits in others but fail to recognize the most glorious traits and actions that make us, us.

Having already written my own letter, I used these moments of writing to observe the women around me. In some, I saw smiles. Others were thinking deeply as they wrote. And quite a number had tears in their eyes.

I hope they were tears of joy with the reminder that there is so much in themselves to love.

The evening ended with our make-shift mailbox filled to the brim with 52 love letters, and the new year will begin with the receipt of those letters.

I hope the authors will place the cards somewhere that they can serve as reminders throughout 2023 of how much light there is, even in the darkest moments.

I wish that for you as well – a new year filled with bright (and non-flammable) moments as well as the ability to find moments of joy even when things around you seem to be on fire. It’s a glass-half-full wish.

* * *

Share it Small: What do you love about yourself? Don’t overthink it – just pull out a pen and paper and let the thoughts flow. Then save your letter and re-read it whenever you need a boost.

Share it Big: For the holidays, consider creating a love letter box for friends and family. Have everyone add their own note and send the letters back to them when they need a boost! It’s a gift that will keep on giving.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Nov 2022


Me: 60-Year-old Woman. Lover of human connection, fashion designer, pilates aficionado, TV Bake-Off viewer, and advocate for all things feminist.

Him: 20-Something Man. Lover of monster trucks, comfortable in the great outdoors, hunting in the backwoods, and follower of all things Trump.

You wouldn’t expect the two of us to speak the same language or find much common ground. But we do. Our common ground is water.

You see, I’m a fisherwoman, and he’s a fisherman, and when I’m in Hawaii, we fish together.

When we talk, we don’t hone in on our differences. Instead, we speak fish.

“Speaking fish” opens up the space for us to begin a conversation. We usually start our chats by talking about fishing and quickly move to Ahi and Mahi and Ono. We talk about whether the fish are biting, how much they might weigh, and what it feels like to have a shark get to your catch before you do. We talk about the roughness of the water, the pull of the tides, the depth of the reef, and the direction of the wind.

And then we talk about whales. Whether they are here or in cooler waters. Whether the momma has her baby with her.

We call out to the dolphins, follow the diving birds and marvel at the influx of jellyfish.

Once we’ve both gotten our dose of common water, we move beyond our shared love of fishing.

We both smile wryly about the fact that some of the boat’s other customers see how young my fisherman friend is and don’t think he knows what he’s doing – until the big fish is on the line and they need his help.

Some of the grizzly fishermen on the dock make the same misassumption about me as I walk the dock before the crack of dawn. They see me as an old lady who couldn’t possibly reel in “the big one” and may even come back early with sea sickness… until they see me catch five 100lb tunas in a single day.

We smile at that, too.

* * *

Our fishing banter opens up space for us to engage more deeply. We talk about who we really are.

His family, his girlfriend, his dogs, and his future.

My family, my husband, my dog, and my dreams.

Our mutual love of Captain Don the fisherman, the Island of Kauai, and where to get a mean poke bowl.

Before you know it, we’ve cast a net broad enough to capture a relationship that’s not just a fish story. We get real by starting with fish and moving to dogs, then families, and find ourselves talking about feelings, experiences, and beliefs.

And when we’re not using a net to lift our haul into the boat, we use a proverbial net to keep the conversation connected.

Our proverbial net lets the points of difference flow through, keeping the good stuff for us to share.

Parlay House has become my global fishing net, “capturing” women who also share my interests in authenticity, connection, and conversation despite the fact that none of us agree about everything. Research shows that feeling well-connected to others contributes to mental health, helps provide meaning in life, and even promotes physical well-being.

Maybe that’s why I catch so many fish when the fisherman and I are together. Together, we’re happier and maybe stronger than we would have been separate.

Nets are pretty cool devices. Strong enough to hold what you want to keep, yet permeable enough to let the rough water pass.

* * *

Which leads me to ask, what do you want to catch in your net?

Share it Small: Can you find points of connection with someone who is very different from you? If you are with them during the holidays, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the things you share.

Share it Big: Practice speaking “fish,” “dog,” “parent,” “chef,” or any other language that helps you find common ground. If you do it publicly, those around you will notice that you found a way to connect and may try to find their own common language as well.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Oct 2022


Halloween haunting season is swiftly approaching, and it’s giving me pause. But not because I’m afraid of ghosts.

While October 31 has historically been a day I look forward to so I can design costumes and hand out the best candy on the block, real-life haunting is getting to me.

I’m not talking about sheet-covered ghosts and black-hatted witches. I’m talking about a growing trend of real-life torment: slammed doors on old friendships, disregarded emails from people we know, and avoiding people who used to be important to us because they might have a different view of the world.

I’m talking about cancel culture, booing, and ghosting.

I’m talking about slandering, doxxing, and public abuse.

It’s a scary state of affairs.

* * *

Much of this human humiliation happens on public stages by people who don’t know each other. If we’re lucky not to be recipients of the venom, we’re still observers through the media lens, watching the hazing happen in real time.

Black and white world views polarize us and oversimplify deep and complex issues. People who misspeak are condemned without the possibility of nuance, discussion, understanding, or middle ground. Humans doing the best they can are hit up with requests or slammed down for not doing enough. A handful of celebrities even choose to be outlandish to garner attention or because they are genuinely oblivious about their impact on others.

Sadly though, the ghoulish behavior isn’t limited to the public stage.

Every day people are being haunted, too.

I’ve received some “hate mail” recently.

The communications came with vitriol, the senders angry about decisions I’ve had to make to keep Parlay House financially viable or calling out my choices of speakers as not keeping with their view of our organization. They questioned my motives rather than asking about what drove the decisions. They assumed the worst and criticized me without knowing what was really happening.

Hate hurts.

* * *

Shunning the people we don’t understand is not new behavior, of course.

English author Mary Shelley created one of our favorite fictional haunted characters in 1818 when she was only 18 years old. In her story, Frankenstein, a “creature” birthed in a lab by a mad scientist, breaks out of his restraints and wanders the world alone. In his early years, he becomes “eloquent and educated,” rescuing a young girl from a river and befriending a blind man living in the forest. But as the world “sees” him and fears his differences, he is shunned, misunderstood, feared, and rejected. His response is to rail back at his creator and society, and with both sides misunderstanding each other, the tale ends in tragedy.

I like Frankenstein as an analogy for where we are now but think this is the perfect moment to write a better ending.

Instead of seeing each other as different, how about putting more WE into Halloween? We can look past disguises, costumes, and illusions and into the truths we all share and differences we can learn to understand.

We’ll then roll right into the season of Thanksgiving, which can become a time not only for giving thanks but for giving forgiving, too.

And then there is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and more – all holidays to look at values, teachings, and higher powers. The best gifts of the season will likely be the moments of coming together and the chance to understand each other better, even if we don’t ultimately see eye to eye.

Before you know it, Valentine’s day will be upon us, and it will be the perfect moment to roll out more love.

It may not be as easy as it sounds, but reuniting is still possible.

In the words of the character inspiring my Halloween costume this year, “The power was always within you, my dear.”

That, of course, is Glinda the Good Witch.

* * *

Share it Small: Is someone in your life being dissed or dismissed? It’s the perfect time to be their ally. Reach out to them. Stand up for them. Let them know you see the whole them and not only the sound bite that’s biting them.

Share it Big: Did you fly off of the (broom) handle and treat someone unfairly? It’s never too late to apologize. If you flew off in public, undo the spell in public as well. As we learned from the research we did for The Parlay Effect, the world is watching and will likely follow your lead.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


Sept 2022


My husband and I went to dinner at Ci Siamo in NYC the other night. It’s one of our favorite places.

The reservation was at 9:30 (which is late for us) because I had been running a virtual Parlay House event until 9:00. We pushed past a homeless man at the door and entered the dining area.

This restaurant has a great vibe, and it was hopping. In fact, there seemed to be joy in the air.

We were seated in a lovely corner booth, the leather in the banquette still warm from the previous diners. The server was especially chirpy, opening our wine and taking our order with remarkable aplomb.

As we began our meal, the other diners were finishing theirs. Table by table, they stood up to leave. And table by table, each one walked past ours even if we weren’t in the direct path to their exit.

“Do you know who was sitting there before you?” they asked.

The next passer-by gave us the answer. “It was Barack and Michelle.”

“You just missed them.”

The next couple complimented us on having received the perfect booth and provided an even more detailed description, “He sat where you are, and she sat where your husband is.”

Barack Obama had warmed my seat for me.

“She wasn’t hungry and just nibbled,” said the next group. “But boy, could he eat!”

“They had charcuterie,” said a table of six.

“Those love birds leaned in close and whispered to each other all night,” said two women who had clearly been starstruck.

The descriptions continued.

* * *

My first thought was to ask my husband to switch seats with me because I wanted to sit where Michelle had been.

I love her sense of grace and poise, her fierce protection of her family, and the way she holds her own power with directness, confidence and warmth.

But aside from my Michelle-crush, it led me to think about what it’s like to sit in their seats, to walk in their shoes, and to go through life without anonymity. They may have been having a fabulous evening or in a heated argument, but in the hot spot of public view, they had to look loving whether they felt it at that moment or not.

In fact, it led me to wonder whether we might develop a better understanding if we sat for a moment in each others’ proverbial seats to feel how they move through the world (or publicly eat dinner).

For celebrities like the Obamas, every movement is observed. Every bite is counted. Every outfit is scrutinized. There didn’t seem to be any haters in the restaurant that night, but I’m sure not a day goes by when their interactions with others aren’t challenging.

For people who are struggling, like the guy we breezed past as we walked into the restaurant, they go through their days invisible, neglected, and ignored. If noticed, it’s with an upturned nose or a swiftly turned back.

Then there is the majority of us who sit somewhere in the middle of being seen and unseen, overheard and unheard.

Such a range of experiences in the same city. Such a range of experiences on the same planet.

These observations led me to wonder how we can better see each other, hear each other, and sit in each other’s seats to close that gap.

My gut feeling is to do that through empathy.

Like or hate Barack and Michelle, taking a few minutes to imagine what it feels like to be them, to be scrutinized, loved, despised, admired, blamed, glorified, and besmirched all during one meal, provides a lot of context.

And while I vaguely remember the homeless guy, I can assume that he, too, is the recipient of both kind and cruel observations from passers-by.

Most of us are recipients of that harsh judgment by those who don’t sit in our seats or walk in our shoes.

* * *

So how do we start closing that gap?

I believe that we can’t always know where people are until we ask.

While I couldn’t ask Barack and Michelle (I’d already missed them and got the sense that the Secret Service would not have allowed me to scooch up to Michelle), I failed to take a minute to check in on the guy who asked us for money on our way in. Shame on me.

That missed opportunity reminds me of a quote by a stoic philosopher named Epictetus, who was born into slavery and later became an influential thinker at the highest levels in Greece. He said, “We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen as much as we speak.”

I like that observation as a starting point.

We can start by listening rather than assuming.

Asking about someone’s story, even briefly, opens the pathway for them to tell you where they are coming from and what it feels like to be them. We don’t have to assume. We can actually know where they are.

Think about it. Is there someone who perplexes you or that you think you know but have never really asked about their life? Now’s the time to hear about the experiences that shaped them.

Is there someone you know and admire who may feel a bit intimidating because you’ve put them on a pedestal of some sort? My guess is that when they share their story, you’ll find a way to build a connection of equals.

Their story is probably messy, and their path wasn’t likely straight.

Some of your assumptions may have been right, and others were dead wrong. But more than likely, you’ll find commonalities with them the deeper you get. I’m pretty sure that would have been true if I’d talked to Michelle and Barack and equally true if I’d stopped to listen to the man outside of the restaurant.

If you’re thinking, “Anne, you couldn’t have talked with the Obamas, and you wouldn’t have stopped to hear the story of the homeless man while you were rushing to dinner.”

You’re right, of course. But those polar examples are the framework for the real listening we can do if we just turn off the judgment, ask a question, and hear the story that unfolds.

* * *

How will you close the gap?

Share it Small: Did you ever misunderstand someone because you judged them before you knew them? It’s never too late to correct that misperception and start again. Ask about their life, and you’ll be amazed by what you hear.

Share it Big: Have you found commonalities with someone you thought was completely different than you? Tell them how you are similar or can relate to their story! It’s the perfect way to see them and to begin to build connections that you never could be there.

Share it with Me: We all learn from each other. If you have had a revelation, a breakthrough, an insight, or a triumph, we can learn from you so please tell me about it here! I’m collecting stories of these cascades of good for ongoing community building and to track The Parlay Effect in action. I would love nothing better than to hear how you lifted, were lifted, or observed something in others that made you feel good and recognize your power.


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