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Parlay House Events

Learn. Grow. Connect. Parlay.

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Imagine being the mother of a daughter who can't speak and spending the first 25 years of her life guessing what she is experiencing. That was the story of Valerie Gilpeer and her daughter Emily who is on the autism…

2021-04-01 • 5:00 pm PST

Understanding the Empath

We've all heard of empathy and why it's vital to our communities and in our connections with others. But how much do you know about what it means to be an empath? Join us this week with author and communications…

2021-03-25 • 5:00 pm PST

Learning Femininity

We all have skills that we take for granted but that might be hugely meaningful to someone else. Monica Prata is no exception. When she noticed that a number of her clients at the makeup counter where she worked were…

2021-03-18 • 5:00 pm PST

Still I Rise

Join us for a watch-ahead film screening & deep discussion about the intersection of racism & sex trafficking. The film is Still I Rise & the discussion will be led by two inspirational advocates, Holly Joshi & filmmaker Sheri Shuster.…

2021-03-11 • 5:00 pm PST

Lessons From Rock Bottom

When life throws unexpected curveballs that knock us down, what do we do? The answer may surprise you. Come join us on Thursday as ex-Googler turned photographer, Jamie Nease shares how instead of toughening up and pushing through, we can…

2021-03-04 • 5:00 pm PST

Child of The Moonies

Most of us have had “a-ha” moments when we realize that the parents and institutions that shaped us are far from perfect. This Thursday’s speaker, Cara Jones is no exception. In fact, after being raised as part of the Unification…

2021-02-25 • 5:00 pm PST

Wisdom From Our Younger Selves

You see Emily, but do you SEE Emily? We are thrilled to welcome our youngest-ever speaker to the Parlay House stage. Her name is Emily Amador and at 15 years old, she is blazing a trail of resistance and confidence…

2021-02-23 • 5:00 pm PST

Money Changes Everything

Let's say you come into a ton of money. Sounds great right? Not always so great. The minute it hits your bank account, it hits your relationships, it hits family dynamics, and hits in many other unexpected ways. Money can…

2021-02-18 • 5:00 pm PST

Patriarchal Bullshit Is Policing Our Sexuality

Cindy Gallop is the founder and CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn - 'Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference.' She's coming to talk with Parlay House about how dating younger men led her to start the world's first and only user-generated, human-curated social sex…

2021-02-11 • 5:00 pm PST

Viewing 163-171 of 224 events


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Maya Angelou

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